New Year’s performance “Jechała Kolęda”
On January 3, our Group performed at the Opera Hall of the Centrum Spotkania Kultur in Lublin, where it presented the New Year’s performance “Jechała Kolęda” twice.
The audience had the opportunity to hear beautiful carols and pastorals in interesting arrangements and elaborations by musicians of our Ensemble. Poems, carol and New Year’s customs, Polish folk dances full of energy and grace of our dancers made up a colorful show, in which more than 200 artists performed!
All this would not have been possible without our dancers and artistic staff, who together for several months prepared the entire show.
On stage performed – I Representation, II Representation, Lubliniacy, Lubelacy, Lubelacy I, Lubliniacy I, Mały Lublin, Lublinianki and the Musicians under the direction of Włodzimierz Kukawski. The scenario was developed by Bożena Baranowska and Dorota Kukawska. Vocal groups were prepared by Tomasz Misztal, Dorota Kukawska, Marzena Więckowska-Zawada, instrumental preparation – Krzysztof Kwiatuszewski, Marzena Więckowska-Zawada, shepherd’s bell preparation – Marzena Więckowska-Zawada. Dance preparation – Monika Pacek, Karolina Madejczyk, Ernest Szymanski. During the rehearsals, the dancers
and choreographers were accompanied by accompanists – Andrzej Kopyciński, Włodzimierz Kukawski and Dariusz Kruszyński. Costumes and props – Irmina Jakubczyk, Joanna Maruszak, Beata Suwała, Małgorzata Pisarska. The director of the show “Jechała Kolęda” was Bożena Baranowska.
We sincerely thank you for every kind word about the show and our artists. It’s wonderful that our performance moved you, pleased you and gave you an opportunity to admire and discover the beauty of Polish culture.